Corruption and wickedness
Dear Editor,
Local and international news — including “fake news” and unprofessional reporting in social and traditional media — have reeked with the almost overwhelming stench and sense of corruption in all its forms, especially in recent times.
The elevated assault on the sensibilities of the average well-thinking person is matched, in my estimation, only by the power of seemingly innocent outrage and the suffocating aroma of self-righteous ignorance, hypocrisy and downright dirty tricks from self-serving and no less corrupt political individuals and groups on social and traditional media.
And then we see/hear local and international accounts of corrupt collusion between criminals and the police, illicit sexual relationships between children and teachers, preachers and pastors. Add to all that “cass-cass” and conflicts, wars and rumours of wars in Afghanistan and America, in Venezuela and the Caribbean, and in Israel and Syria, among others.
In light of all the above, and regardless of how much of a sceptic one might be, it is increasingly difficult to deny the evidence that what we are seeing are simply manifestations of the biblical assertion that the (unregenerate human heart/mind) “…is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9).
Nevertheless, it is comforting to understand and appreciate the view that there are just two mysteries that govern the world — the mystery of iniquity/unrighteousness versus the mystery of righteousness.
Most comforting for me is the faith and assurance that both mysteries are controlled by the eternal creator — Yahweh Elohim Yahshua — whose plan and purpose having been completed, is now manifest/revealed to those with eyes to see, according to His will.
According to this view, the war is already won. The kingdom of righteousness — though it “comes not with observation” (Luke 17:20) — is expanding in the hearts/minds of ‘believers’; much like the proverbial stone that struck the feet of the image in Daniel’s vision and eventually filled the whole Earth, replacing all of mankind’s other erstwhile corrupt/unrighteous/unholy “kingdoms” (Daniel 2.35).
Let Yahweh’s will be done. Haleluyah!
Carlton A Gordon
Kingston 10