Remote cars put on show
WITH a total prize package of US$700, Jamrock Remote Control Car Club (JRRCCC) revved up the intensity at their 8th annual RMP Challenge held at Sovereign Centre on the Boulevard, St Andrew, recently.
Of the eight stagings of the event, seven have been sponsored by RMP & Associates.
“RMP & Associates have supported the growth of the sport of competitive RC car racing. This is the only cash prize race on the club’s yearly calendar and racers look forward to participate especially the idea of having their name as winners permanently etched on the commemorative trophy that is kept by the sponsor,” Denise Clarke, president, JRRCCC, told the Jamaica Observer’s Auto magazine.
While Clarke said the event was good for the club and ran smoothly, the prize money was stretched over two classes: the 1/10 scale Nitro Sedan and 1/8 Nitro GT. The money was then split down the top three finishers in each race.
Marc Yap was crowned 2019 RMP Nitro Sedan Champion while Gary Sailsman was the GT Champion. The main race for each was a one-hour endurance format that included pit stops for refuelling and tyre changes for those in the Nitro Sedan class. Yap battled on for 246 laps, with Sailsman sealing the deal on 209 laps.
“The weather was perfect. Though we did start two hours earlier than usual to avoid possible afternoon showers. The competition level keeps increasing every year as racers are constantly working on their driving skills and improving the setting up of the handling of the cars.
— Rory Daley