We need to stop the guns at entry points
Dear Editor,
Are guns being manufactured in Jamaica? Certainly not!
Why are we taking so long to get to the heart of the matter? Are we going around in circles?
The way is clear-cut; it’s not complicated. All we need to do is to check our main bases: the airports, ports and harbour.
As simple as that. Am I right?
Are we doing enough in our investigations for illegal weapons? It doesn’t seem so to me. Because for many years the criminals and illegal guns and ammunition have been all over Jamaica getting the better of us and killing people at will.
Therefore, let me ask these questions: Are illegal guns invisibly escaping the eyes of the guards? Are they not searching properly for them? How can illegal weapons come into the island when so many security guards are stationed at our ports?
I don’t understand why so many illegal guns are in Jamaica and why criminals have such easy access to them.
This has been going on for many years.
Are we telling the truth about illegal guns or covering up something? God knows!
Donald J McKoy