Kanye’s positive message to the African-American community
Dear Editor,
I’ve been wondering why there have been so much negative connotations attached to and in opposition with US President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.
The main reason for that, I am led to believe now, is race pimpers. They say ”again” is in reference to the days of Jim Crow laws. But I will say this: When America was great it had little or no crime.
US artiste Kanye West decided to leave the Democrat plantation because he has not seen what Democrats have done for us. He ‘s now a free thinker and now he’s been accused of being crazy.
We have seen Kanye double down by sharing his opinion on a track featuring TI called Ye vs the people‘ and he has since met with young and fearless African American Conservative Candace Owens. He’s even got a serious threat from one of his colleagues, ridicule by many of his friends, and unfollowed by other well-known public figures.
There used to been two voices in the African American community. All of that ended in the mid-60s. The black community then became accustomed to one voice. Therefore, any other voice they wish to shut down.
But, from mid-60s until now, what have the Democrats done for African Americans?
Liberals preach about tolerance every day, but situations like these (with Kanye) have shown everyone that they aren’t practising what they preach. What they preach is identity politics!
Kanye West, on Twitter, said he’s not a Conservative and might have to do some research. I’m pleading with him to go do his research that will open up his eyes and confirm in his mind that the Republicans care more about African Americans than Democrats.
Trump promised low crime rate, low unemployment and great education. The great Malcolm X, in 1965, warned of being ‘political chumps’ — a block of voters who overwhelming vote for one party blindly. What is it that we have here now?
Basically, Kanye’s message to the black community is to call for more change within, give the Republicans a chance, or don’t vote for any one of them.
The entire Kanye West situation reminds me of Etana and how the mob attacked her .
Teddylee Gray
Ocho Rios, St Ann