Quick-fix weight loss?
Dear Donovan,
What teas or good advice can you give me for weight loss? I’ve tried just about everything and I’m at my wits’ end. I am over 60, limited to walking, but otherwise I’m very active and would like to have a quick fix, if at all possible. Thank you, I would love your help.
Over the years I have found out that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This healthy lifestyle should pay keen attention to food intake and activity/exercise. Being at your right weight has to start in your mind. Your mind has to be ready to make the lifestyle changes.
I must tell you that on a long-term basis, dieters using slimming or detox teas on their own see no significant improvement. Also, without the proper use of these teas, you could be putting your health at risk.
Many of these teas propose to cause weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate or increasing the fat-burning process, detoxing the body, or cutting the appetite. I would never propose to take these slimming teas exactly after meals. What this will do is to flush out your good and bad nutrients from the food you ate. In this way you could become malnourished over time.
Many of the detox teas on the market produce increased bowel motion. Taking it too strong can lead to diarrhoea; which can lead to the flushing out of healthy bacteria from the colon. Also, teas which suppress the appetite will only work as long as you are taking them. As soon as you stop taking them the appetite will come right back and so will your weight.
It is a wise idea to get advice from a professional before you use these teas. Detox teas can be used to clean the intestine during a weight loss programme. However, it should only be taken at nights. This is because you want your dinner to be digested and absorbed. Therefore, what you are cleaning out is leftover from the day’s meals or things that have been backing up. If the intestine is cleaner, your weight loss programme will go better.
Again, my best suggestion for a weight loss programme is to make a lifestyle change with your diet and exercise. How quickly you will lose weight will depend on the intensity of your exercise programme as well as how much you are able to cut your calories from your food intake. Once you cut your calories, the body will be forced to use up some of the reserved fat, leading to weight loss.
However, I must point out that the plan is not about starving yourself, but eating in a healthy way. It is not suitable to lose weight too rapidly or you could become sick. You also have to have an idea of how much you can do. Sometimes it is best to start your weight loss programme slowly and speed up as you go along. For your diet you should try to incorporate a fair amount of fruits, vegetables and vegetable juices. In addition, for your exercise programme, it is best that you stick to more cardio-type exercises and walking. Good luck.
Are you struggling to lose weight or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and we’ll have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years’ experience in the fitness industry and is the owner of DG’s Nutrition and Wellness Centre, Suite 16, 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5. Send your questions to clarkep@ jamaicaobserver.com.