The great make-up debate
If you’ve dawdled around online enough or if you happen to wear make-up you’ve most likely heard it – someone else’s opinion on your make-up or make-up in general. It seems almost everyone has an opinion, but what is it about a little powder, lipstick and mascara that gets people in their feelings?
On the one hand you’ve got girls that wear make-up and are pretty proud of their beat face. And rightly so, in my humble opinion, as it takes skill and time and effort to pull all that off.Then there are those girls that don’t wear make-up. Like, not even a scratch of it. But of course there are also some that straddle the line and only get gussied up for special occasions or if they’re flexin’ for the ‘gram.
The truth of the matter is this debate and in-fighting between proud naturalistas and proud make-up enthusiasts is just yet another bit of this overplayed girl-on-girl war.
But who’s right, you might ask? YOU are. You, an autonomous, intelligent being will get up in the morning and decide if you want to put on make-up and you’ll decide just how much if any at all and it will be the right decision for YOU.
It isn’t a decision a significant other or even a random passerby needs to have a say in. Make your own decisions on your own terms and avoid attempting to shame anyone else needlessly for their own very valid personal decision. After all it’s just make-up, it isn’t even that deep.
All that said, unfortunately the availability of make-up, the rise in trends, mixed with just a little bit of regular teenage insecurity drives some girls into a fear of going bare-faced. (Not to say that all make-up wearers struggle with this at all.) Ultimately it is important that your love for make-up doesn’t ever compromise your love and acceptance of your face and the skin you’re in: love your bare face and love your face when it’s got make-up on.
And for the guys walking around telling girls they’d look better with make-up or that they’d be prettier with less make-up: if she didn’t ask for your opinion chances are she doesn’t want it. Do you like her look? Give your compliment and go. You don’t like her look? Keep that to yourself.
Hopefully this article cleared some things up for everyone. What do you think about the great make-up debate? Drop a comment below or on our Facebook or Twitter.