Prospect College made a profound impact on my life – SSP Fitz Bailey
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Fitz Bailey is well known for his accomplishments as a member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
SSP Bailey, during his 32 years as a policeman, has been assigned duties at various levels and at different areas within the JCF. He is currently the divisional commander for Clarendon and once served at the head of the then named Organised Crime and Investigation Division (OCID).
What many do not know about SSP Bailey is that he is a very proud graduate of the semi-military Prospect College in St Mary.
“Prospect College represents a most significant time in my life. Prospect College moulded me into the person I am today. This college made a profound impact on my life.”
“It took me from being just an ordinary boy attending McGrath High in St Catherine to a very disciplined and very self-reliant individual,” SSP Bailey, who hails originally from near Treadways, also in St Catherine, said.
The policeman believes that the school’s emphasis on building well-rounded individuals with a heavy concentration on discipline are the precursors for excellence.
“Prospect College is very, very strong on discipline. We are taught from very early about our responsibilities and what we have to do and in what time period we have to do it.
“But apart from that aspect, which is so fundamental, there are other things. There is the academic part of the college which is very robust and which centres on development, then there is the spiritual aspect, as we have to attend chapel service once per month and many times the students would be addressed by visiting pastors from various denominations, as Prospect College is truly non-denominational.
“Finally we have the famous drum corps. During my time at Prospect I played the bugle and the flute as a part of the drum corps. And I just want to tell you that while at Prospect, the drum corps won the annual national competition among drum corps three years in a row.
“Prospect College is truly great, and I give thanks and I am blessed that I was able to walk through its hallowed halls,” SSP Bailey ended.