One hundred and sixty years by any criteria, is a significant milestone in the history of any institution. When that institution is charged with preparing young people for service to their country, the commitment is of even greater importance.
Established in 1856 as a free school for poor children, in a society transitioning from centuries of slavery, Munro College has remained faithful to the mission to produce leaders who can make their mark on Jamaica. Inspired by the motto “In Arce Sitam Quis Occultabit” which, when translated means A City Built on a Hill cannot be hid, the Munro legacy is one that continues to shine wherever graduates function. Indeed, this noble institution has nurtured a cadre of graduates who continue to shape Jamaica’s culture and society in many important areas such as government, economy, commerce, sports, education and music.
Your longevity is a testament to the vision of your benefactors and the strong leadership with which the school has been blessed over the years. Through discipline and hard work you have distinguished yourself as a centre of excellence, continuing that fine tradition for which Munro is renowned.
I applaud the Alumni Association for the force of pride and sense of purpose and duty to country which you help to reinforce in students, through your involvement with your alma mater. I also salute the Principal, teachers and staff for their unwavering service to Munro.
Happy Anniversary as you complete 160 years of distinguished and outstanding service to Jamaica and the region.
His Excellency The Most Honourable
Sir Patrick Allen ON, GCMG, CD, KSt.J