Can what you eat affect your feet?
MANY people wouldn’t normally link their diet to their foot health, but several painful foot conditions can be prevented or improved by maintaining a healthy eating regime.
One of the main causes of pain in the feet is due to inflammation. Some foods produce chemicals in the body that encourage it.
Whether it be plantar fasciitis, gout, osteoarthritis, a sprain, or any other condition, inflammation is one of the main instigators of pain. It therefore makes sense to decrease the foods in your diet that encourage its development.
Many staple foods in the Jamaican diet are “inflammation foods”. Sugar, refined grains, processed foods, (unsaturated) trans-fats, all would fall into this category. Many of these foods cause the blood sugar level to rise rapidly and this will cause more inflammation.
Saturated fats in red meat and omega-6 fats found in sunflower oil, soybean oil and corn oil can also be added to this list. People who suffer with allergies or intolerances to certain foods will also have increased levels of inflammation. Common foods like wheat are also often culprits.
Foods that reduce inflammation include those high in omega-3 fats. Oily fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh mackerel are rich in these. Tomatoes, unsalted nuts, spinach, kale, and olive oil also fall into this category.
We have 28 bones in each foot. These bones support your entire body, so we need to keep them strong and healthy. A diet rich in vitamin D and calcium will protect the bones and reduce the symptoms of conditions like osteoporosis.
Two conditions that affect the feet and cause a high rate of morbidity in Jamaica are arterial disease and diabetes.
Arterial disease in the feet will lead to poor circulation, poor tissue viability and, in a worse-case scenario, gangrene. Diabetes can cause numbness and painful sensations in the feet and legs. It can also cause poor circulation, leading to gangrene.
People with diabetes should see a dietitian who can guide them on exactly what to eat and what portions sizes are appropriate. A diet rich in omega-3 fats, whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and lean meat should give you a better chance of avoiding these conditions and their symptoms.
Fungal infections (tinea pedis) on the feet, and indeed on the rest of the body, thrive on a sugar-rich diet, so if you have any fungal infection, give up the sugar.
Swollen ankles can be very uncomfortable and painful. There are many different causes, but a salt-free diet can help. Coconut water and cucumber act as natural diuretics, and these may help to reduce your swelling.
It is important to remember that your whole body weight is concentrated on your feet when standing. The more overweight you are indicates more pressure is on your feet. Obese people will usually suffer with an abundance of foot and health problems due to their weight. The loss of a few pounds can have a hugely positive impact.
In essence, limit the sugar, salt, saturated fat, and trans-fat. Maintain a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and omega-3 fats. Before embarking on any diet, you should consult your doctor.
Angela Davis BSc (Hons) DPodM MChS is a podiatrist with offices in Montego Bay (293-7119), Mandeville (962-2100), Ocho Rios (974-6339), Kingston (978-8392), and Savanna-la-Mar (955-3154). She is a member of the Health and Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom.