#DecisionJa2016: ‘Pestilence’ descends on Jamaica under PNP — Shaw
ST ANDREW, Jamaica — Jamaica Labour Party candidate for Manchester North Eastern Audley Shaw says whenever the People’s National Party (PNP) is in power “pestilence” descend upon Jamaica.
Shaw, speaking to Labourites at a JLP mass rally in Half-Way-Tree square in St Andrew a short while ago said: “Whenever they’re in power pestilence come pon the land. Chikv, Zikv and now you have a thing called H1N1… swine flu deh pon wi backside.”
Shaw said a credible source had informed him that there is a shortage of vaccine for the virus.
On Thursday, the Ministry of Health told OBSERVER ONLINE that there are nine confirmed cases of the H1N1 virus being treated at the University Hospital of the West Indies. One of the patients, a female doctor, has since died. However, the ministry has not yet confirmed whether she died as a result of the H1N1 influenza virus.
Kimone Francis