Don’t believe the lies!
We’re an informed, knowledgeable bunch, aren’t we TEENation? So why are so many of us buying into lies on social media? Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat and Instagram are designed for you to share whatever you want in an interactive space.
From filters to perfectly posed pictures there are all sort of tools and tricks to help you (and your life) look perfect. And we all know them. So next time you’re months deep in someone’s Instagram and get a little jealous of their looks or their lifestyle remember what you’re looking at is most likely them putting their best foot (and filter) forward.
It’s neither fair nor sensible to compare your just-rolled-out-of-bed look IRL to theirs after they’ve probably spent a few minutes getting a good angle, picking their favourite of the dozen or so selfies and then getting the filter and caption just right.
It’s also worthwhile to note that your number of friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter or likes on Instagram don’t make you any less or any more than anyone else. Bragging about your number of Facebook friends is so 2009 anyway guys.
You may have lots of friends and feel lonely, you may have a few friends and feel cherished or vice versa.
All in all social media is supposed to be fun, not a breeding ground for blind uninformed jealousy or any subsequent self-doubt or self-loathing.