Creating a vision book
Hey there TEENation, how’s it hanging? If we were to ask you to describe your mental state right at this moment what would your answer be? Go ahead, think about it for a couple of seconds. Now give us the pleasure of playing mind readers for just a bit and tell you the general consensus on what you were probably all thinking.
Your answers more than likely ranged from being “confused”, “stressed” or the simple but always effect cry of “oh my gosh I don’t know what I’m doing with my life”. But as usual your awesome friends at teenAGE are here to help rubble through all that mess.
Allow us to introduce you to a “Vision Book”. A vision book is simply a visual representation of where you want to go and feel in life. It could include long term or short term goals, and one thing we’re certain of is that it works.
Here’s what you’ll need:1) a big book or binder2) A pair of scissors3) Glue4) Pens, pencils, markers5) The most important thing you’ll need to do however is to collect images (surprise surprise) that perfectly showcase where you want to be and how you want to feel in the future. Vision books aren’t only essential for gaining material possessions; it also helps with emotional or overall mental stability (God knows most of us have none of that).
After you have collected all your tools it’s time to get started! Here are a few tips:
1) Select a page or pages for each specific goal or emotion so as to have a clear picture of what you’re working towards.2) Do not over crowd your pages with unnecessary words or images that will end up overwhelming you. Really sit down by yourself and think about how you want to feel and what you want out of life in the immediate or long term future.3) It’s also important to remember that it’s okay to change pages or even completely rip them out of your vision book if goals change.4) The trick to making this book work is to constantly be looking at and focused on your vision. Look at it every night before going to sleep and every morning you wake up. This cycle will enable your brain to even subconsciously work towards your goals.
So go ahead and give it a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose. Some of the most successful people in the world have admitted to using vision boards or books to get to where they are and are still using them. Don’t pass up on an opportunity to make you a better you.