Pepperpot – Put the CCJ to a referendum
The decision about the future of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) should not be left to politicians who meddle too much. Let the people decide. Put the matter to a referendum and let the politicians vote their conscience so there is no repeat of the farce that happened in Parliament this week.
When the fives clash
Today is the fifteenth day of the fifth month of the year Twenty and Fifteen — 15.5.15. The fives are clashing just like the sevens in 7.7.77. Should we be worried?
Lisa on the social media ball
Nice to see a sister who is not just beauty but brains too. I wasn’t here for Minister Lisa Hanna’s sectoral presentation but my girls are raving about it and saying that the idea of streaming it live to youth leaders for their immediate comment was nothing short of brilliant. You go, girl!
Not a tone for negotiations
We are liking Minister Horace Dalley less and less. His tone in the negotiations with public sector unions is out of step with modern best practices. Why does the Government put such delicate matters in the hands of an egomaniac?
No longer king
The one who set himself up as king over the realm of Jamaica is descending into irrelevance and struggling to get people to take him seriously. It seems like it’s a case of ‘boops, the power gone’.
Raiding his own company
There is no news release yet, but tight sources say the police have been interrogating the executive who is suspected of raiding his own company of huge amounts of cash and reporting it as robbery. It’s looking bad because it’s the third time the police have taken him in.
Hell on Earth
Those mad people who have been lighting fires in the hills of St Andrew obviously want to get to hell sooner than later. Someone must know who some of the idiots are and must get this information to the cops. Let’s turn up the heat on the arsonists (pun intended).
DNA triggering paternity fears
The prominent one who has been railing against the DNA Act is thinking of his own self. People are saying his name has been called in several paternity situations and he fears there is now a way to tell for certain. Story come to bump!
Question of the week
Who among the Opposition senators will vote with the governing side to pass the CCJ Bill?