Disregard for small businesses
Dear Editor,
No one should be surprised at the destruction of the property of entrepreneurs to facilitate the visit of Barack Obama as it only goes show you that our Government is one of impressions.
These key members of the society, who have been plying their wares since I was a boy, may not make enough money to send their children back to school after the term break. These small business operators are the same parents being asked by Minister Ronald Thwaites to pay school fees and other auxiliary fees in order to advance the welfare and opportunities for their children.
Any country that you go to, including the USA, small business operators make up a chunk of the economy.
Obama is known to make stops at places like these roast corn stalls along Heroes Circle even as president of the United Stated. The First Lady is known to go shopping like an ordinary mom in Washington, DC, and maybe other places too.
Of course, the Government may fix up the stalls after the visit and the people will love them again come next election cycle. Why? Some people just love abusive relationships.
Mark Trought