Una Morgan to release fragrance line
UNA Morgan of sibling group Morgan Heritage is preparing to release a signature fragrance bearing her name on April 28.
Una, according to the singer, is “delightfully fresh”.
“I know what I like and I believe I know what other women like. I think I also know how men would like us women to smell, so that’s how the idea for the fragrance came about,” Morgan told the Jamaica Observer.
She said the fragrance was done in conjunction with local distributor PA Benjamin.
“It was very important for me to brand it Jamaica, even though it was developed overseas. Big up to Mr Christopher Powell, the chairman at PA Benjamin, for coming on board. Come April 28, persons will be able to smell it, feel it and wear it,” she said.
Morgan said the final decision on the scent was a family affair.
“We were presented with five different fragrances. My nephew Jemere and Gramps [Morgan] made the final decision,” she said.
She is currently in the midst of a promotional North American tour with Morgan Heritage of their new album Strictly Roots album. The 13-track set is due digitally on April 20 and on hard copy the following day.