Is oil in Ja the new bauxite?
Dear Editor,
In light of the recent approval for the Irish firm Tullow Oil plc to begin exploration in Jamaica, I am forced to think that this might be next bauxite. While some will think that this is good and welcome the motion, the fast and far-reaching implications of what might happen cannot be slipped under the carpet.
Let me take the opportunity to refresh your mind. When bauxite was discovered and production began many businesses as well as large holes appeared across the island.
According to the Government at that time “everyone” would benefit from the various socio-economic programmes. This I cannot deny. However, when bauxite was abandoned, thousands lost jobs, not to mention the large unfilled holes which are still visible on the Island.
No doubt the island agonised economically and environmentally. We are still reaping the environmental repercussions; deforestation, soil erosion, and a waste of lands. And, yes, the Government at that time should be applauded for attempting to restore these lands. However, as with most projects started, they are either abandoned or never take off.
I agree that discovering oil would be good, but are we ready for it? Can our feeble and vulnerable environment and eco-system bear, again, another strenuous pressure? That question can only be Additionally, if this is to go through, I would recommend that the Government establishes a Sovereign Wealth Fund, like oil-producing countries Qatar, China, Norway and Nigeria. This fund, unlike the National Housing Trust, main purpose would be to invest in the lucrative businesses of other wealth countries in order to gain higher earnings to improve the local infrastructure of the country.
Jovaney J Ashman
Top Albion, Manchester