Keeping infections at bay
A child’s immune system is less mature than that of adults. This makes them more susceptible to infectious diseases such as flu; hand, foot and mouth disease; pink eye; and gastroenteritis.
The germs that commonly affect children are viruses and bacteria. The typical child has approximately eight to 12 colds a year, and one or two diarrhoeal episodes for the year. Children in daycare and schools are more at risk because they tend to have bad habits that will spread germs. Common ways that germs spread include direct physical contact, touching contaminated objects like toys and food, and infected air droplets from coughing and sneezing.
Ensure your child keeps up to date with all vaccinations.
Good hand hygiene: Kids tend to place their germs on different objects. They should wash their hands frequently with antibacterial soap and water. Hand sanitisers can also be used by older children.
Good cough hygiene: Encourage your child to cough or sneeze into tissue. Coughing or sneezing on the hand will leave germs on the hand that will subsequently spread. Discard tissues immediately after each use.
Do not share eating utensils, drinking cups or towels.
Toothbrushes must never be shared. Do not let toothbrushes drip on each other. The bristles should be exposed and allowed to dry. Wet toothbrushes carry germs.
Wash toys with warm water and detergent daily.
Clean and disinfect your house, especially the kitchen and bathroom, as frequently as possible.
Make sure children wash and dry their hands after touching animals. Don’t allow them to put their faces close to animals.
A separate area for diaper change should be established. Frequently clean area where diapers are changed. Do not change diapers where food is handled.
A child that is contagious and too sick to participate in activities at school should stay home until they are completely better. Your doctor would be able to guide you if your child is contagious.
Prevention is vital to reducing the risk of infections in your child, so be careful and follow these guidelines to stop the spread of germs.
Dr Michelle Williams is a paediatrician at Kidz Klinik. She may be contacted at dr.michelle.williams2014@