Boosting your immune system
WITH all the talk of chikungunya and ebola it is of utmost importance that we prepare our bodies to fight off any infections that may come our way. There is no super pill, vitamin or food that will prevent us from getting sick or fight off an infection so keeping our bodies healthy and supporting it with a healthy balanced diet is of paramount importance. There are, however, other ways in which we can boost our immune system.
Often taken for granted, sleep is one of the critical components of good health. While we sleep our bodies are making cells and antibodies that fight off infection. Once sick, this goes into overdrive. The energy needed to fight an infection is considerable and we need to conserve as much of our body’s energy in order to have enough to fight off the infections. This is why we recommend rest as a therapy for chikungunya.
Exercise is an important part of overall health. It keeps our heart and blood vessels healthy and ready to fight any invading bacteria and viruses. Exercise also relieves stress which is a suppressor of our immune system.
Our lives are filled with stress. From work, bills and family to fretting about chik v and ebola, stress is ever present. Stress produces hormones that suppress our immune system and leads to an increased risk of infection and a longer recovery time. Getting rid of stress is easy if we commit to it. It means taking time off from work and spending time with family. Taking a trip to the country or the beach is easy as we live on an island where everywhere is relatively close. Once you feel better, try and avoid getting into stressful situations. It will make you an overall happier person.
Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter relieves stress and is associated with a stronger immune system. Happier people are indeed healthier people. So go out and have a good laugh and act silly without a care.
Eat right
Eating junk foods provide little nutrients needed for building and sustaining your immune system. We need proteins more than fats and carbohydrates. Cut out the sugary drinks and foods as these make your immune cells sluggish and lazy, especially in diabetics. Coloured fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals such as beta carotene and Vitamin C. It is better to get your vitamins from nature but if not possible, you should take supplements. Foods rich in antioxidants like berries are an essential part of the immune boosting plate.
Drink water
Water is life. A dehydrated body cannot fight infections. Ensure that you drink plenty of water before you get sick and even more after you do. Toast each drink to good health!
Dr Alfred Dawes is a consultant general, laparoscopic and obesity surgeon at Premier Heart and Surgery Centre, and managing director, Mahogany Health and Fitness. Contact him at