Why am I gaining weight?
Dear Donovan,
I had surgery in January and lost 20 pounds. I have put most of it back on. I have reduced my sugar intake, drink more water, eat all my meals from a salad plate, eat breakfast every morning, and have reduced salt and fast food intake. I am not following an exercise regimen, but I’m concerned about why I’m still putting on weight. What have I been doing wrong?
I hope you have totally recovered from your surgery by now. I’m so sorry to hear that you have almost put on back the 20 pounds you had lost after surgery. For many persons it is easier to lose weight when they are sick or after a surgery. However, as soon as they are better the weight normally comes back.
Once you are not well, the appetite is usually reduced and the body is forced to use some of the reserved fat, but as soon as you are getting better, the appetite comes back.
In your situation I would suggest you make an appointment with a nutritionist or a qualified health professional to get an assessment of what is going on with your weight and I would also need more information to give a direct judgement as to what might be causing the problem.
Based on what you have told me I will attempt to do the best I can.
Outside of any medical problems, your weight is normally controlled by the amount of calories you put in and the amount of calories you burn. Also, if you are taking medications with steroids it could cause your weight to increase. There are also some other factors which can cause you to regain the weight, for example, your exercise programme is absent. Also, you’re now eating breakfast when you were not eating it before.
Outside of reducing your fat and salt intake, I am not sure what you are eating on your salad plate. If you’re eating a lot of carbs your weight could go up. I’d like to see you writing your calorie or food intake down some more and see what happens. In your case I would suggest you have more fruits and/or yogurt for breakfast and lunch and dinner could be more salads, fruits and light carbohydrates with vegetables. If you feel you can manage a juice fast, that might also help.
In addition I want you to create an exercise programme. Increasing your activity level can promote weight loss; however, based on your weight and your ability to exercise, you have to be selective. Try not to hurt yourself. Good luck!
We will answer your weight-related questions
Are you struggling to lose weight or just need some advice on living a healthier life? Tell us about your health issues and we’ll have nutritionist and wellness coach Donovan Grant answer them for you. Grant has over 12 years’ experience in the fitness industry and is the owner of DG’s Nutrition and Wellness Centre, Suite 16, 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5. Send your questions to clarkep@jamaicaobserver.com.