Plane crash search off
PORT ANTONIO, Jamaica — The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) at 4:00 pm yesterday suspended its search and recovery operation for the missing passengers of the Daher – Socata TBM-900 light business and utility aircraft which crashed in waters 24 nautical miles north of Portland on Friday.
The US Coast Guard which was assisting the JDF – the main agency conducting the operation – had earlier ended its partcipation in the search.
“The decision was made based on continual re-assessment of the situation, noting the reduced probability of finding the passengers or aircraft which crashed in an area with depths of 1,500 to 2,000 metres,” civil/military co-operation officer of the JDF Captain Basil Jarrett said in a press statement.
Confirming that the United States Coast Guard Cutter Bernard Webber had called off its participation in the search for the TBM-900 aircraft and three passengers, Jarrett quoted a spokesman as saying: “It is unlikely we will find any survivors at this time, so we are moving out.”
The JDF and US authorities tracked the TBM-900 aircraft into Jamaican airspace before it went off radar and crashed approximately 24 NM North of Port Antonio. Since then, a joint search and rescue effort has been underway in an area where an oil slick and small debris consistent with an aircraft crash had been spotted.
Since Friday, until yesterday, the operation continued without any success for three passengers said to include real estate developer Laurence Glazer and his wife Jane who departed from Rochester, New York, en route to Naples, Florida, but encountered problems and veered off course.
Yesterday evening before the Observer’s news team left the Errol Flynn Marina, where the Command Centre for what was officially called Operation Socata is located, it was obvious that things were cooling down as JCF vessels with both police and soldiers aboard could be seen returning to base signalling that the operation was being downscaled. Official confirmation that search activities had been suspended came shortly after.
With the search and rescue operation now officially suspended any discovery of passengers or the wreckage of the aircraft might well fall within the purview of local fisherfolk.
The JCF’s ground commander Senior Superintendent Terrence Bent said at a press conference on Saturday that the police had made contact with the fishing community operating in Portland and the neighbouring parish of St Mary and had briefed several of them about the search. They urged them to pay attention and report any debris they found during their routine.