Take out the plank first…
Dear Editor,
“Duppy know who fi frighten” is one of Jamaica’s truest sayings.
I have to do business in the New Kingston area every day, and right opposite Trafalgar Park a group of men leave no doubt in people’s minds that they are homosexuals. In fact, the police have tried to get them to leave their place of ‘residence’, which appears to be under a bridge next to some offices occupied by prominent businesses.
In fact, it was only recently that one of your investigative reporters wrote an article on the activities of these people whom she interviewed and there was some jaw dropping stories about the type of people who engaged the services of these males and the financial rewards they were given for their favours.
This brings me back tpo my opening salvo.
After Professor Baines was fired from his job at the University of the West Indies there was an eruption of great disgust, with many people saying this was the last straw and some were saying that we all were heading into the fires of hell and it was an abomination of ghastly proportions and we must reverse the decision so that we can seek forgiveness for this great misdeed.
I am suggesting to those people who have set themselves up to destroy the career of Professor Nigel Harris that should turn their wrath upon the homsexuals on Trafalgar Road who are a corrupt and destabilising group who verbally abuse people who have to use that thoroughfare on their way home after a hard day’s work.
Ken Spencer
Kingston 8