What they say – Lorne ‘Georgie’ Kirlew
1. When did you start your training career?
In September of 2011 after I completed five years of training.
2. When did you score your first win and with which horse?
That was three months after I officially began my career as a trainer and the horse was Ritchie’shappynotion. To date I have trained 24 winners and I now have 14 horses in my barn.
3. What is your longest odds winner?
That would be Shezabosslady at 15-1.
4. What is the best horse you have trained thus far?
Without doubt Missmyrtleboyritchie but my favourite remains Ritchie’shappynotion as I won six races with him in just over a six-month stretch.
5. The best horse you have ever seen race?
Without doubt Eros. He could do anything asked of him.
6. Who has influenced you career most?
My father Dennis and of course my brother Tony.