My Kingston – David Manley
What are your earliest memories of Kingston?
I think my earliest memories of Kingston involved my father (Michael) taking me to drive-in movies. I’m not sure how many people would remember this sort of thing. You sat in your car and you would have to tune the radio to hear what was happening on screen. It was a really special time for me.
What is your most memorable meal in Kingston?
I would have to say going with my entire family to Jade Palace for dinner. I think I was about 10 at the time. I can also remember Sunday dinner at my dad’s house. The stew peas and rice was really delicious.
Share some of the places in your black book.
Santorini, Greece. The south Coast of Italy and New York City a city I visit every six months because of my job.
What is your beverage of choice?
I must admit that I am a beer drinker. I love Heineken. I also love vodka tonic and a Brazilian drink called Caipirinha.
What cologne are you splashing?
L’homme by Yves Saint Laurent.
Name the last book you read.
The last book I read that I really enjoyed was Imperial Bedrooms by Bret Easton Ellis.
And the last movie?
Drive starring Ryan Gosling. It was a really cool movie. Ryan played a James Dean-like character. I was really impressed by the movie.
What was your last bit of retail therapy?
I bought a new laptop — Samsung 3D. I must admit I am a bit of a techno geek.
What music are you listening to right now?
Wow! This question is a little hard for me. I really love the band The Big Pink. I think their new album is really good. I also love Skrillex.
How does it feel being at your mum’s wedding?
I think this is long overdue. I really can’t help but feel happy for her. It is such a great occasion. It is definitely the right thing for them to do. I feel extremely proud right now.
Who is your hero?
Michael Jordan has always been one of my heroes. Also, when my sister visited South Africa recently, it made me realise how much I admire Nelson Mandela. He too, is one of my heroes.
What is your philosophy?
The glass is only half-full if you can’t help it. There is no point in looking on things negatively in life. I also believe that you should always be honest with people, no matter what.