Computer Society pledges support to new PM
Dear Editor,
This is an open letter of congratulations to Mrs Portia Simpson Miller.
Dear Mrs Simpson Miller,
The Jamaica Computer Society congratulates you and your team on being elected to lead the social and economic transformation of the Jamaican society as we embark on the second 50 years of our existence as a self-determined nation and society.
We are confident that your tenure will be characterised by the highest tenets of open, transparent, inclusive, equitable and accountable government. Your skill in mobilising and energising the Jamaican family will be critical in moving us forward harmoniously as one collective, into the future, to claim our long delayed national prosperity.
The Jamaica Computer Society pledges to support your national development agenda particularly as it relates to ICT policy and implementation matters and with special reference to the youth population and to the MSME sector.
The JCS offers our training and certification expertise and infrastructure at your disposal in building the indigenous creative capacity of our youths in ICT. We are also looking forward to your quick implementation of your Manifesto commitment to remove the GCT on ICT equipment. This will relieve a present burden on small businesses, students and the ordinary citizen and re-establish a fundamental tool of people-centric, firm-level and societal empowerment in this second decade of the 21st century.
Finally, we envision Jamaica becoming a leader in ICT in the region, thereby earning significant value through the export of ICT services. Sadly, our global ICT rankings have fallen precipitously over the last several years despite our best efforts at articulating for urgent attention for the sector. We therefore call for the re-establishment of an ICT focus at the ministerial policy level, possibly within a Ministry of Innovation and Business.
We wish God’s richest blessings on you and look forward to working with you and your team as you continue to be guided by our Eternal Father.
Warmest regards,
Silburn Clarke
Jamaica Computer Society