My Kingston – Kamal Bankay
What are your earliest memories of Kingston?
Growing up in the 80s in Kingston was quite interesting. I lived at West Road on the UWI Mona campus and the houses had no burglar bars! Playing every sport imaginable with my friends (who, by the way, are still the friends I go to the club with to this day). And, of course, Hurricane Gilbert and JPS power cuts!
What do you miss most when you are not in Kingston?
I miss the people, especially the ones that remember me. From the gas station attendants that make sure all is well in the engine, to the people who serve the food at my favourite restaurants, the bartenders at all the great watering holes, the vendors that give me free chewing gum…
What’s your advice to a first-time visitor to Kingston?
Get out there and soak up the real culture of Jamaica that’s prevalent in Kingston. Try to go where the locals go to eat, drink and party. We know all about the real gems in this country, so follow our lead.
What is your middle name?
Walter — after my grandfather Walter Bankay.
Where are your favourite chill spots on the island?
Hmm… Rick’s Café in Negril, Turtle Cove in Port Antonio and Strawberry Hill in Kingston.
Share with us your last bit of retail therapy.
Custom-made designer shirts from Romeich.
What is your preferred beverage?
Macallan Select Oak on the rocks.
What’s your favourite television show?
In the 90s it was Allo Allo, but now it has to be True Blood.
Share some places in your black book.
Down the Hatch in Manhattan, New York, for the best wings, YOLO (You Only Live Once) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has the best lounge, Club XS in Las Vegas is a great club, Boca Chica in the Dominican Republic has the best beach, and hiking in the Redwood Forest in California is for me the best nature experience.
What cologne are you splashing?
Burberry Weekend.
If you could live the life of any celebrity for a day, who would it be?
David Guetta — a true celebrity superstar DJ. He jets around the world and plays at huge festivals and the biggest clubs in the world. That’s actually my dream job.
As a promoter, you’ve been to your fair share of parties. What’s the wildest party you’ve ever been to?
That’s easy: our own Xtreme Wet and Wild, a part of the Smirnoff Dream Weekend!
Seeing that you’re seemingly still racking up frequent flier miles, what are the three can’t-travel-without items you always pack?
My Macbook Pro, my BlackBerry Bold 2 and my wallet, with the contents, of course (laughs). Everything else I can get when I reach there.
Who do you aspire to emulate as a businessman?
Locally, Gordon Butch Stewart, a true visionary and nationalist who is sincerely passionate about anything he’s involved in. Internationally, Sir Richard Branson. His lifestyle is tastefully flamboyant, his companies wealthy, and his attitude — bold. Incidentally, those two are friends (smiles).
Tell us a bit about your newly purchased ride.
I haven’t gotten it yet but it will be an AUDI (grins).
When was the last time you broke the speed limit?
The last time I had an emergency, officer (laughs).
On a no-party night, who would you expect a call from at 3:00 in the morning?
Matthew Samuda or my cousin Ryan Geddes.
What makes you upset?
Prejudices in all forms — racial, social or financial.
What’s guaranteed to make you smile?
Food and being a part of great moments.
What’s your philosophy?
I have several— 1 Live each day as if it’s your last. 2 Push yourself to the limit of your talents because to whom much is given, much is expected. 3 Let your loved ones know you love them as often and in as many ways as humanly possible. 4 Give thanks to God for my many blessings and help people to achieve their dreams. If you do all of this, you will have a blessed and happy life and your memory will live on forever…