Co-founder Chris Morgan told the judges that next month WingKing will open its second branch on Constant Spring Road in Kingston. He stated that the brand is trending high based on his “innovative” sauces. Guest judge ZJ Bambino quipped that at a recent party someone took all the WingKing sauces and left the chicken. Another of the evening’s guest judges, Wisynco director
William Mahfood, suggested that WingKing begin distributing its sauces in the supermarkets. WingKing’s most popular wing choices include: Dragon Stout barbecue; strawberry barbecue hot, grilled guava jerk; buffalo hot; pineapple ginger; grilled sweet and sour; fried sweet and sour; and macaroni and cheese balls.
Morgan stated that the business started as a Friday evening hobby but the demand from friends, acquaintances and the public resulted in his sales increasing from “hundreds of chicken wings to thousands”. The demand led the company to move from its home base to its first branch in Sovereign Centre.
“My passion is in production. We will keep coming up with new sauces,” stated Morgan about his dream to position Jamaica as the country with the best chicken wings in the world.”
Of note is that these three brands are growing within the context of the local recession.