Vice principals of ClanCarthy High School, WilmaDaley (left), and Ekle Bailey(right), stand alongsidePrincipal Hazel Cameron.
December 6, 2010
Clan Clarthy High School
Meet the Schools
Principal: Hazel Cameron
Established: 1980
Address: 1 Deanery Road, Kingston. 3
Population: 1400
Interesting Facts: The Clan Carthy high school is a school that values education over sports, that’s one of the reason why they have dismantled the schools manning cup team and is more focused on the behavioural patterns of the students. Clan Carthy was once a shift operated school and changed it as a part of their initiative to change the face of the school, the change also came along with the change of the school uniform. These huge changes began three years ago, and know the school has gained a better learning environment and has become closer as school family.

The Track andField teamalong withcoaches SteveRose and MarkDickson.

The Clan Carthy High School Red Cross stands with their advisorShana-Kay Fitzgerald.

The Clan Clarthy High School Cadets.

The Netballsquad.

The DramaClub alongwith teacherDeandraSalomon.

Students pose for theTEENage Observer camera.

The school’s trophy caseshowing off the sporting and academictrophies won by the school.

Dean of Discipline Canut White(left), stands with the school’sSchool Challenge Quiz team.

The Research Club along with librarians G Williams(left), and N Walker (right).

The Peace Club.

The School’s Heritage Club.

The Peer ConflictManagementteam along withteacher ArianSegree.

Heading the StudentCouncil are headgirl KadianGreen and headboyKevaghn Gallimore.

The Clan Carthy High School Student Council body along withcouncillor K Donaldson Bryan.