Sorry, Mr Matalon
Dear Editor,
This is an open letter to PSOJ president, Joseph Matalon.
The National Democratic Movements fully accepts your explanation that your statement on the operations by the security forces during the State of Emergency and the operations in West Kingston and Tivoli Gardens was misunderstood
and misinterpreted.
The NDM relied on a statement on the RJR blog which included the two paragraphs below and also on other statements and publications.
(1) “President of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Joseph M Matalon, says while the police and military operations in downtown Kingston are disrupting business, their actions are necessary.”
(2) “That disruption is going to be a small price to pay if in fact this day represents the first step in a journey that is going to rid our communities and our politics of these criminal elements.”
The NDM is now of the view that your statement referred to the time and business loss by members of the PSOJ and not to the most unfortunate and unnecessary loss of lives of residents of Tivoli Gardens, West Kingston, if the direction and scope of operation was executed differently.
Michael Williams
General Secretary
PO Box 500, Spanish Town
St Catherine