Have mercy!
Dear Editor,
Unless the Lord builds the house, labourers toil in vain. That is the state in which Jamaica finds itself. We have forgotten the great commandments: “Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy strength and all thy might and love thy neighbours as thyself”. Our nation is being bathed in blood.
Suffer the little children to come unto me, says the Lord. Why are we going on in this manner? I weep for my country. The eyes of the Lord are on us with wrath in it. Our leaders lie blatantly, they are crude and disrespectful. We cut our children’s throats, we rape our little girls, we give our little boys guns, we show them sex scenes and we give them drugs. Yet when they live out these acts we cry.
The love that we should have for each other we have thrown out into the depths of the ocean. We have forgotten that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. I weep bitterly for my country; may God have mercy on us.
John Polack