The woman and the dogs
Dear Editor,
I have no doubt that Maureen Sheridan of the Animal House means well when she expresses concern for the three dogs which accompany the woman pictured in the Observer last Friday. Ms Sheridan wants the dogs to be located and given their freedom. Freedom to do what? Scavenge and starve?
For some time now, I’ve seen the woman with those dogs walking all the way up Hope Road en route to Papine. I now learn that she lives in August Town. When I first noticed them, from their meagre condition, the dogs were obviously strays. Gradually, their condition has improved, so it is evident that they are being taken care of.
The woman keeps them tied together, I believe, because of the challenging environment in which they travel each day. They’re usually on the road round about dusk when they have to manoeuvre their way through home-bound crowds on the sidewalks and at bus stops. The traffic rushing by is frightening to human and animal alike. The woman keeps the dogs close to her. She had no chains at first. It was strips of scandal bag and cloth. I do not believe she keeps them chained because she is being cruel. She is protecting the dogs and herself.
Please leave them alone. If Animal House really wants to help the dogs, get some leashes and some food to keep them fed. As to rounding them up to give them their so-called freedom, freedom to do what, may I ask?
Barbara Gloudon
Kingston 5