‘No cash for food’
Dear Claudienne
I have seen your effectiveness in helping people to solve certain problems. Having made numerous calls to no avail I have decided to seek your assistance in dealing with this situation.
On Sunday July 13, 2008, I catered for a function put on by the PNP Women’s Movement. The function was held at Mannings School auditorium. I have made several attempts to get paid for the catering I did for the function but have been unsuccessful. I catered for 250 people at a cost of $350 each and the total amount I am to be paid is $75,000. I am writing to you in November 2009 and it is now over 16 months since the function and I have not gotten one cent. All I have got is promises.
I would appreciate your help.
Dear JF
Tell Claudienne contacted the co-ordinator of the PNP Women’s Movement and notes that you have now been paid the $75,000 in three instalments. The first instalment of $29,830 was sent to you via Western Union on November 27, 2009. On December 30, 2009 you were paid $30,000 via Western Union and the final amount of $15,170 was paid to you on February 23.
Good luck.
Dear Claudienne
I received an estimated bill from the National Water Commission dated January 13, 2010 and due for payment on February 3, 2010. The amount in question was for $5,048.95.
My husband and I have paid this bill but under severe stress. The current reading on the meter was 3905 and the previous reading was 3860. Can you imagine my surprise when on reading the meter on February 3 the reading was 3775. I know that the meter was read last month because the young man reading it asked for a bottle of water.
I would like the NWC to read the meter and stop sending me estimated bills. For three straight days I have tried calling the NWC but I get a constant busy signal.
Dear DC
Tell Claudienne sent your complaint to the NWC. The NWC said that they have resolved your complaint by applying your reading to the account and adjusting the bill accordingly.
Good luck.
Have a problem with a store, utility, a company? Telephone 511-2436 or write to: Tell Claudienne, c/o Sunday Finance Jamaica Observer, 40-42 1/2 Beechwood Avenue, Kingston 5; or e-mail: edwardsc@jamaicaobserver.com