Unnecessary police chase
Dear Editor,
A few weeks ago I heard on the news that the police were chasing men in two cars whom they signalled to stop but they did not. This led to a high-speed chase which ended up with two women dead and one injured and hospitalised. The police eventually apprehended the occupants of the car and upon searching it they found a quantity of marijuana. The other car sped away, and as was reported, quick action by the police led to their capture and the seizure of more marijuana.
This has left me with some mind-boggling questions, Does the seizure of the marijuana equate to the loss of the two lives and injuring of another? Couldn’t this incident be prevented? Isn’t there a law to prevent incidents like these from happening? If a pursuit is threatening to endanger the lives of innocent bystanders or pedestrians on the sidewalk and out of harm’s way, couldn’t the police call off the chase in an effort to preserve lives as their motto states?
Families are left in mourning and now have the burden of burying their loved ones in these hard economic times when it is cheaper to live than to die. If there is no law in place, I think the time has come for some law to be enacted to prevent incidents like these from repeating themselves; otherwise as decent, law-abiding citizens we are at risk of being killed going about our legitimate business by some police personnel chasing suspects.
Derrick Scott