The prof and spirituality
Dear Editor,
I wonder how many Jamaicans understand, appreciate and have ever perceived the depth of Professor Rex Nettleford’s spirituality. He would send to me very often any theological article which he received from the universities of Cambridge, Oxford or London which discussed thoroughly Anglican theological reflections. Rex would underline the salient doctrinal points for me to discuss with my friends who were in the priesthood.
Every Easter morning the dancers would reflect the spiritual depth of the resurrection, and they exuded the spiritual resonance par excellence. Rex reminded us that dance has spiritual power and divine energy, and you will see this graciousness and how he reflected holiness by the manifestation of the awesomeness of the Spirit of the divine as he moved on the stage with an angelic posture. Sometimes, the Spirit raises his feet from the ground momentarily, without anyone being aware. This is when Rex would be awesome, with a movement welcomed by the angels. You would see it in his hands, his body, his eyes and his feet. If you meditate before dancing the kumina seriously, you can feel the power and the touch of the divine. Rest in peace, my brother.
Revd Canon Ernle Gordon
St Mary’s Rectory
Kingston 20