Do… Help Haiti
It took me 30 seconds to attach this article and send it to my editor; it took half that time for the earthquake to shatter the lives of so many in Haiti. Countless lives and properties lost in a matter of 15 seconds. A nation destroyed and a people lost, but there is still hope because many still have life and there is an outpouring of aid from all across the globe. Hopefully in the near future, Haitians will be one step closer to rebuilding their lives.
Jamaica is doing its part, including the Government and many institutions like Food for the Poor, The Salvation Army, UNDP, as well as corporations like Digicel, RJR Communications Group, NCB, Scotiabank, Wisynco and the list goes on and on. It is only because of ordinary citizens like you and me, who give, through donations, contributions and time, that many of them are able to help Haiti. So if like me and many others you are planning to give and help, here are a few ways I’ve learned can help make the process much easier:
1. Choose a reputable and established institution to make your donations. This way you are sure that they will end up in the right hands… those who need it most.
2. Pool your resources among a group of friends or colleagues. Collect as a group and combine all donations/contributions in or at one place, before you pass them on to the charity of your choice.
3. Sort and package all donations into like groups. For example, sort clothes by gender, age (adult and children), type (dresses, bottoms, tops, underwear, etc), and package toiletries together. Pack them in boxes once they are sorted and label boxes clearly. This will be a great help to the charity group when they are delivered.
4. Pass on the word and encourage others. Offer your help to busy friends who may not have the time to put in but are willing to help.
Let us continue to pray for the people of Haiti. Here’s to a New Year, a New Charitable You, and all of us being “the best we can be for 2010” by helping our brothers and sisters in need.