Necessary Luxury – Jay Will
Jay Will
Director, Jay Will Films
In my world where everything moves in frames per seconds and seconds per minute, time, money and networking keep me at the top of my game. My BB Bold keeps me on time with my scheduled appointments and keeps me connected to the world every single second of the day.
There’s my MacBook Pro that allows me to do my work anywhere I go. I use it to listen to music, write treatments for videos and commercials, download footage onset, and edit videos outside of the editing studio.
Nas says all he needs is one mic, likewise all I need is one camera. My Panasonic HVX200 high-definition camera is the main tool used to capture the majority of the images that I have created as a director.
My credit card keeps my pockets light and my possibilities endless. They say some things in life are priceless… but for everything else I use my credit cards.
Finally, there’s the Holy Bible: The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” From a very early age I grew up in church reading my Bible. So naturally, now that I am older, although I don’t frequent church as much, I still read a chapter a day to keep evil away.