Happy Birthday, Jesus
MATTHEW 1:21 and HEBREWS 1:3b: “And she shall bring forth a Son; and thou shalt call His name JESUS; for He shall save His people from their sins. He had by Himself purged our sins, and sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High.” This season we call Christmas has different significance to different people. To some of us it means a time to exchange gifts; to some a time to celebrate by having parties which often is just an opportunity to overindulge in food and strong drink. For others it is a time to get together with relatives and friends or a time to purge our consciences by giving presents to those less fortunate. Sadly, however, most of us get so caught up in the commercial and materialistic impact that the real reason for the season becomes obscured.
The verses quoted foretell the birth of Jesus, His purpose and His accomplishments. When we celebrate one’s birthday, we focus on the celebrant, honouring that one with tributes attesting to life achievements and praiseworthy accomplishments. The name Jesus means salvation and deliverance, His 33 years on earth proved Him to be the architect of our deliverance and salvation. He fulfilled His purpose of reconciling us to His Father through His obedience to the death of the cross and His triumphant resurrection.
The name of Jesus is above every name in heaven, on earth and under the earth. One day at the mention of his name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father! He continues now alive, and given the highest place of honour seated at the right hand of God the Father as our advocate making intercession on our behalf with our Father. This season is all about Him! Should we not celebrate? Join me in saying, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS”.
Eternal Father, today this nation celebrates Your most precious gift to us of Your Son; we bring our gifts of adoration, thanksgiving, praise and worship. We pray that You will take pleasure in this our offering of love, for You are worthy of all glory, honour and praise.
In Jesus’ name,