Will the world really end in 2012?
Now that 2010 is upon us, we have approximately two years to see what becomes of the 2012 apocalyptic prediction. The Mayans predicted that the world will end on December the 21, 2012. Apparently, US scientist Adrian Helmsley also made the same prediction, that our world as we know it will meet its doom in 2012.
Now, Roland Emmerich, the director of the 2009 apocalyptic film ‘2012’ starring, John Cusack, Chjwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet and Oliver Platt, toyed with the prediction adding his version of what may or may not happen during the destruction of the earth and mankind alike.
With that in mind, TEENage decided to find out the opinions of a few of our young friends about what they thought of the prediction that the world will end in 2012. Here is what they had to say.
Dejanee Dunn 18
Well, at first I thought that people were just being ignorant and stupid in saying that the world will end in 2012. But now I’m starting to believe it because stuff are happening and 2012 is going to be a leap year. According to my grandmother ‘bad’ stuff always happen in a leap year (laughing).
Yannick Johnson 21
From a scientific perspective it is possible. But from a religious perspective it is not. God made it clear that he will come like a thief in the night. 2012 would be like a forecast, so I don’t believe that prediction.
Simone Bennett 19
I don’t think that prediction will come true. It’s just fiction to me. They said the same thing about year 2000 didn’t them? And it didn’t happen.
Junior Bent 19
I don’t take it particularly serious because I am a Christian and the Bible tells me that no one knows the day or the hour where in the son of man cometh. So, I will continue to live in a state of readiness till He comes.
Terri-Ann Shand 19
Being the God fearing person I am, I think that the prediction is just crap. Unless they decide to put some massive bombs that is going to shred the whole earth. What could be so catastrophic to end the earth in just two years time? Moreover, we have been going through problems for so long.
It seems that there are mixed views about the prediction of 2012. Some find truth in it while others dismiss the claim. It is not the first time, however, that there is a prediction about the end of time. Many dates had been foreshadowed prior to 2012. Some took it very seriously and went to great lengths to prepare, while others were nonchalant about the whole ordeal. Will 2012 be just a repeat of what is seemingly a trend? Or did they get it right this time? Were the Mayans accurate? What do you think?