Spiritual muddle
II CORINTHIANS 10:5: “Inasmuch as we refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God, and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ, the Messiah, the anointed One.” In intellectual matters we are able to think things out, but in spiritual matters we will think ourselves into a spiritual muddle!
If we find that there is something that God keeps impressing on us to do, don’t try to think it through, just simply obey. Only then can our reasoning capacity be engaged, and His purpose and plan become crystal clear. Remember, as the above verse says, we need to bring our every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. The tiniest thing or thought that is not under the control of the Spirit of Christ has the potential of causing spiritual muddle which is only made clear by obedience. Immediately we obey, we discern!
This is humiliating to our intellect, however, when our natural power of reasoning is completely devoted to the Holy Spirit, it becomes the power of perceiving God’s will and purpose, and our lives are kept in simplicity. Simplicity is the secret of seeing things clearly. The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, yet incredibly profound! When we humble ourselves and achieve complete devotion and submission in obedience to Christ, only then are we able to refute every act of disobedience.
Eternal Father, we thank You that Your Son and our Saviour did not come to only a select section of humanity but to all. He came with the simple good news of Your everlasting love for all your creation. He came to sacrifice Himself so that we may be reconciled to You as Your legitimate sons and daughters and buy us back from the bondage of sin with His own precious blood. We thank You for the simplicity of Your salvation. We as a nation declare our submission and devotion to You.
In Jesus’ name,