Well done, PM
Dear Editor,
Whenever the government falls short, it is our right as Jamaicans to communicate our dissatisfaction. Similarly, it is only fair that we praise them whenever they do well.
Last Wednesday night the Jamaican people must have breathed a sigh of relief after a relentless assault on the previously proposed tax package by the government. In an attempt to register their displeasure, citizens made their voices heard – loud and clear.
Many thought that the wailing of the people would have gone unnoticed by the government, but as I sat and watched the PM speak, I felt proud to be a Jamaican once more. I was especially pleased to know that we have a leader who will listen to the cries of his people even against his own judgement, and take the necessary corrective measures. It takes a genuine leader to do that. We are really glad some of the taxation has been taken off.
Let us continue as Jamaicans to support the government in its endeavour to correct the many ills of our country as we look toward rebuilding the economy.
Well done, Mr Golding.
Randolph Ledgister