The true meaning of Christmas
Well TEENS it’s that time of the year again, the Christmas tree is decorated, everyone has created their wish list, the freezer is full of food and you’re ready for that big day.
But have we drifted so far away that we have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas? What does Christmas really mean? Is it all about getting presents from family and eating candy canes? Have we been so caught up with the spending, the presents, the decorations that we’ve failed to realise what’s truly important?
The word Christmas gives us a variety of hints referring to what it was originally about. Derived from Christ, Christmas is seen as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ around 2,000 years ago. This marks an important time in history of Christianity.
Over time we seemed to have drifted away from this tradition and celebrate Christmas in our own way.
For some it may mean spending the Christmas with family and friends, while others may relive old traditions or give assistance to those in need of it.
Some people don’t celebrate Christmas at all considering the economic burden it brings on our pocket especially TEENS.
We as TEENS view Christmas as a medium to get anything that we’ve wanted whether it’s that new shoe we’ve longed for, that gorgeous dress in the display at the store or that fancy gadget we craved so much for.
The commercialisation of Christmas has made us forgotten the true meaning of this time.
No matter what it is we should recognise that Christmas is very significant to most people and is a time to reflect on the life of Christ, a time to show love and peace to who yearned for it all year long. Christmas is supposed to open our eyes and make us all better persons, to ourselves and others.
So when eating the Candy Canes and singing the Christmas carols. Remember what the season is all about who knows, maybe this Christmas you might think about the holiday in a slightly new way.
— Oshane Hutchinson