Let Omar be finance minister
Dear Editor,
Can Prime Minister Golding give reasons for the enquiry into the financial meltdown in the 90s and can the country at this time afford the cost of the enquiry? Has he factored priority in the decision and does he know or care how much the enquiry will cost?
The country can recall that the financial meltdown had its origin in new bankers on the block who – unlike Bank of Nova Scotia, for example – did not stick to core business, put depositors’ short-term money in long-term investments, resulting in a run on banks and their consequent bankruptcy and other financial institutions. Also, it was under the watch of that great minister of finance of the day, Dr Omar Davies, who created Finsac, put regulations in place from which Jamaica benefits today, and who salvaged a great deal for affected depositors – mainly our poor brothers and sisters.
If the prime minister means the best for the country, and I think we all believe he does, why doesn’t he invite Dr Davies to be his minister of finance in this time of crisis? What has Jamaica done to have Audley Shaw as minister of finance at this time?