Balancing school and your social life
The key to balancing school and your social life is good time management. Whether it be at the start of the school year or at its ending. For some of us the work load has gotten heavier and in addition to that we have taken on extra responsibilities making it seem as if nothing will be accomplished and the work pile higher. Well I am assuring you that it’s not impossible to complete all your assignments, do that community service, play your favourite sports, go to your various club meetings, go to church and still find time to chat with your friends online.
It is important that we understand that making a time schedule, time plan or timetable is very crucial to success; whether it be academic or otherwise. Not only is it good to make a time plan but sticking to it is also important. By working out your schedule for each day and sticking to it can help a great deal and preventing you from becoming too stressed out especially now when exam time approaches.
Here are some helpful tips into making a time plan
1 Write down all the activities that you are involved in including the subjects or courses that you are currently doing.
2 Indicate the days that you will do each.
3 On a sheet of paper make a timetable consisting of all the activities for the various days starting from the time you wakes up to the time you plan to go to bed.
4 Place this in your room and make an extra copy to travel with.
5 Ensure that you try as much as possible to stick to it.
It won’t be easy to stick to your time plan but it is important that you try to. It is also important that you eat healthy meals, exercise and get enough rest. Here are a few tips:
1 Eat a well balanced meal everyday and avoid skipping meals especially breakfast.
2 Eat fruits and vegetables and drink water (about 6-8 glasses per day)
3 Go to bed about the same time every night and try to wake up the same time each morning.
4 Wear light comfortable clothing to bed.
5 Exercise
6 It is important that you include in your diet food containing protein especially before studying. This is because protein reduces the serotonin (an important chemical naturally produced in the brain) levels in your brain while carbohydrates raises it. Serotonin induces lazy, sleepy stupor that is counterproductive for studying.
7 Take breaks during study sessions.
TEENage hopes that you’ll find these tips very helpful and that in making your time plan you will do your utmost best in sticking to it. All the best!