‘Give us vision…’
Dear Editor,
When the minister of finance responded to the downgrade of Standard and Poor’s, I was bemused at his utterances. It seemed to me then, as it still does, that benevolent autocratic style, modelled by Mr Shaw and colleagues, makes the country laughable whenever they speak on issues that must be addressed to bring Jamaica out of the current quagmire to remedy the slippery slope it has been on for a very long time.
Evaluation is recommended, which allows for reflection and provides the opportunity for adjustments to be made in preparation for the next occasion. Have you not realised that to major on the minor is not cutting it? You may get a little applause, but does it translate to anything positive and meaningful in real terms? I think not.
Some pronouncements make it appear that Jamaica is a lender of no small means in this global recession, and has the world queuing for assistance. We are behaving as if we are in Egypt’s position during the time Joseph was prime minister and all people from near and far had to travel to buy grain during the famine. What skewed perception of reality we hold of ourselves!
Notwithstanding the abundance of suggestions the leaders of government have received, there is little evidence that they have the will to make things happen. I therefore make another suggestion. The Johari Window has four panes, if each one looks closely at himself as well as Jamaica through the panes of the window, perhaps, just perhaps, the scales will fall from our eyes giving us 20/20 vision. We all need a little at some point on this journey of life.
Nancy Drew
St Catherine