Are you a complainer?
DO you spend most of your work time griping about almost everything in your organisation?
You complain that the temperature in the office is too hot and when the temperature level on the air conditioning unit is adjusted, you complain that it is too cold. Today you commend the chef at the canteen for a “wicked” stew peas, but tomorrow you want him fired because the chicken chop suey was not to your liking.
You complain that management doesn’t care about the workers and when they plan a staff family day you are noticeably absent. You bad mouth the company and complain of how disgusting the place is, yet you refuse to leave.
Profile of the complainer
He is usually someone who has an “axe to grind”. He may have been passed over for a vacant position and choose to express his discontent by being negative to any and everything. This individual tends to be a mischief-maker as he attempts to mobilise other staff members to join in the griping. He is driven by a desire to create disharmony and strife.
Most of us would rather not associate with the complainers, but the truth is that every organisation has at least two such persons.
Co-workers and the complainer
. Don’t be influenced by the complainers to bash the organisation.
. Take a stand and make your position clear, regardless of the backlash from the complainer and his confederates.
. Don’t be afraid to disagree with the stance taken by the complainer.
. Challenge the complainer to be fair, honest and objective in his comments.
. At the risk of being labelled as a “sell out” to management, stay true to your stated position.
. Avoid unnecessary confrontation with the complainer, particularly when he is in the company of others.
Management and the complainer
. Recognise that the complainer has some issues with the organisation and this is his way of registering his displeasure.
. Listen to his concern and pick sense from nonsense.
. Recognise that the complainer strives in an atmosphere of discord and so will do his best to engender hostility.
. Don’t attempt to confront the complainer in public; they are at their best when they have an audience.
. If you want to get through to the complainer, speak with him privately – without the gallery looking on.
A word to the complainer
. If you have an issue with the organisation, choose the appropriate time and place to address the issue.
. Be fair. Not everything the organisation does is bad; give credit where credit is due.
. Give thanks for small mercies. If you get a small bonus, instead of complaining that it is too small, give thanks because some workers in other organisations get nothing.
. Be mindful of the negative impact you have on others, particularly the junior staff members.
. Be the change you would want to see in the organisation.
. Don’t just complain, offer a workable suggestion/solution.
. Rid yourself of the “us and them” notion. If you subscribe to this notion, you will always be complaining against the “them”.
. Your constant complaining might cost you your upward move in the organisation.
. Your reputation as a complainer will precede you and people will deliberately leave you out of committees and work teams.
. Your constant griping can have a demoralising effect on the morale of the staff. Management may not feel encouraged to provide certain benefits as they feel that their efforts may not be appreciated.
. After a while, you will stand alone as no-one wants to be around a negative person for long.
Wayne A Powell is a human resource professional. He may be contacted at