Standing by your man takes its toll when he’s guilty
I’ve encountered numerous problems getting a job in my area, even though I have a bachelor’s in economics and 10-plus years of office experience (three at a professional level).
The problem is that after a highly publicised trial, my husband was convicted of numerous felonies. I openly defended my husband, but I moved away after the trial. I worked elsewhere without a problem, but after the birth of my first grandchild, I moved back to be closer to the rest of my family.
If I use my married name, I can’t even get an interview. If I use my maiden name, I get interviews but no job offers. On the Internet, my name still is linked to the stories about my husband. What can I do differently?
YOU may be encountering one of two separate problems: guilt by association, which you created by standing by your husband even though he was guilty, or age discrimination.
If you are getting interviews using your maiden name, you might not be getting the jobs because of your age. Use your maiden name, and let people in your area get to know you. Let us hope that they develop a respect for you on your own. From there, you may find employment.
– Creators News Service