CXC launches online bookstore
KINGSTON, Jamaica — The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has launched its online bookstore, which now provides individuals in Jamaica and the Caribbean, preparing for external examinations, with Internet access to a wide range of academic resource material.
Speaking at Friday’s launch, CXC’s Acting Pro Registrar, Dr Carol Granston, said that the online book store’s launch “marks a significant milestone” in the organisation’s efforts to “facilitate learning that is not confined to the highly formalised structure of classrooms, but shaped by the lifestyle of the Caribbean learner, that is, learning that can be done at anytime and at any place”.
The facility, which was launched at Jamaica College in St Andrew on Friday, provides access to subject syllabuses and reports, specimen papers, and mark schemes, which can be downloaded on any mobile (mp) from the website –, and used offline.
The initiative, which is the CXC latest undertaking with longstanding partners British entity, MacMillan Publishers, through its Caribbean office, will provide material free of cost for 29 Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and 28 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) subjects.
Additional materials, outside of these subjects, which date back at 2005, are also available, for people requiring these, but will incur a cost.